Tuesday, September 20, 2005
C'mon there can't be more than two more months of Hurricane Season Left and Yes, I am paper pregnant!! Ramblings of an Expectant Mom...

Sunday, September 18, 2005
A Beautiful Night at the Mid-Autumn Moon Festival
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Mei Dreams
That is the name of my DTC Group. As I told you earlier a DTC Group is a group of waiting families that are logged in to the CCAA during the same month. In my case that month is May. Besides the fact that I have started a local support group, I am also on the committee to design the web site for our DTC Group. Ahhhhh! I have the I can't say no syndrome lately! :) Who am I kidding. I love being busy!
There are many reasons to have a site; the number one reason being that you can upload your photo of your new baby for all of your fellow adoptive parents and for the world to see. As soon as it is done I will give you the link.
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Justin...This one's for YOU!!
I purchased this Gator Cheerleading outfit for Katie at my fav place; Target. I could not resist as Justin will be graduating from the University of Florida in the Spring. Since it is the best University in Florida I am sure Katie will want to follow in her big brother's VERY LARGE :) footsteps. Besides, I am sure Katie will be Justin's biggest cheerleader.
Friday, September 02, 2005
Why are some people so ignorant?!?
Yesterday, a real estate agent that used to work in our office came into my office to say hello. I had heard through the grapevine that she had made some biased comments about our adoption (why are they not adopting a white child?) When she walked in she first asked me how my son was doing in college and when I told her that he was doing very well she went on to ask me whether we were still going though with that "thing" that we were doing? I responded with "Do you mean adopting our baby?" She then said yes and had the audacity to ask me if I knew what a commitment this was? What?!*@@? Was she kidding? I have raised a son to adulthood!! Even if I had not; I am an adult. Would she have asked me that same question if I was pregnant? I think not!! I wanted to spit profanity at her and throw her out of my office but I politely told her that I certainly knew what I was doing and that I was very busy so I would have to get back to work. Ok...Lori...Breathe and turn the other cheek!