Thursday, January 26, 2006

News Flash!! Our friends have a new baby girl and we are next!!!

Yesterday was so exciting; our wonderful friends Shannon and Alan along with their son Ryan received the referral for their new daughter Mia. Please click on the following link to see her absolutely beautiful face - Mia P

Shannon and Alan have been on a rollercoaster as they were told that they were next over a month ago only to be disappointed. Well, obviously Miss Mia was not ready for them yet and now they have all found each other. It is a rather fatalistic way of looking at things but once you enter into this leap of faith you will understand what I mean. Mia is as young as they get in Chinese adoption. She is only six (6) months old and she is described as a deep sleeper, active, likes music, a little obstinate among a host of other glowing superlatives. Her parents, brother and grandparents are so in love. I was with them for a part of the day yesterday and it felt truly special to experience such joy with them. Our Katie and their Mia will play side by side and will hopefully form the same kind of friendship that their mothers have. Marc and Alan are even buddies now and play golf quite a bit :)

To add even more excitement to the equation is the fact that we are next barring any unforeseen monkey wrenches...LOL. We are so excited!! In about one month from now our Katie Starr will be revealed to those that long for her so deeply.

Stay tuned......


Anonymous said...

Hi Lori & Marc,
I enjoy reading your blog and check-in from time-to-time. You're getting so close now. I'm looking forward to reading and seeing pictures of you together, finally!!!

Angel said...

I'm so glad you got to share the day with Shannon. I bet it was wonderful.


Monica said...


It's been so exciting watching this batch of referrals with all of our friends. Can't wait to see your Katie Starr next time!

Hopefully there will be 2 Katies in the next batch of referral. ;D

Life with JJ, Starr and Spice said...


Please send us your e-mail address.


M3 said...

Aren't the referrals awesome?!!!
You guys are next, right? Please say yes, I need something huge to look forward to so I don't have a heart attack between now and when ours finallllllllly comes. :-)