Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Honing our Swimming Skills

Katie Starr has been taking swimming lessons. They are really more of basic survivor skill lessons for beginners. Living in South Florida where there is water virtually everywhere there is a huge need to begin early training in the water. Katie began her lessons about 3 or 4 weeks ago and the first few lessons were torture. Thankfully the lessons are 10 minutes in length so the crying and screaming were over quite quickly (and that was me ~ just kidding~! We go three times a week and by the end of week two our Katie was transformed. She began to enjoy the lessons and now we can't get her shoes off fast enough once we get there...she loves it! I will spare you the video of lesson 2 as it is heart wrenching and I will skip to a more recent lesson where she is beginning to build confidence and make great strides. A good friend who is in my FCC Group told me about the lessons and her kiddos are in the time slots following Katie. The first video is our Katie and her friend Cady who wore the same bathing suit to our last lesson. They both looked disgusted at the thought of being caught in the same swimsuit ~Grin~ The following video is the highlight reel of one of her lessons.

Katie and Cady ~ Double Vision

Swimming Highlight Reel

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

A Weekend of Fun

Sorry it has been awhile since I last posted. The week before last we were up in Orlando for a Mei Dreams (May 05 DTC) reunion and we had a blast. We were also thrilled to be able to hook up with another family of a Wuwei Princess. Kylie and her mommy and daddy, Judy and Sean met us at the reunion and were lovely enough to invite us back to their beautiful home. The girls had a blast together and so did their parents. We look forward to getting together again soon.

While we were up in the land of the Mouse we of course hit all of the parks. We did not overdo it as we knew that Katie would hit her limit each day at nap time so we got to the parks early and then came back in the afternoon, napped Katie and then went out for more fun each day. Katie was her usual happy go lucky self and was a wonderful little traveler. I am posting a couple of videos of Katie and Kylie and then I will let you view the rest of the photos from the weekend of fun with links (there were way too many to post)

This video of our two Wuwei Princesses show the screaming fun the had with each other. The first video show a little game that they started playing where Katie would pretend to fall and Kylie would give her a hand up and then the running and screaming would start again.

Click here to see pics of Disney and Katie meeting Kylie
Click here to see Mei Dreams Reunion pics

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Two New Pictures of our Son

The person that sent them to me commented on how handsome he is but how he obviously does not like to have his picture taken. We cannot wait to put a smile on his beautiful little face.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Hap MomMom to you!!

Let me begin this post by telling you that Katie calls me MomMom like it is one word. It sounds so adorable and to tell you the truth, I hope she always calls me that as I love it so much.

Now, on the to the cute anecdote ~ Katie Starr is totally into the Birthday Song ever since it was sung to her about 100 times in the week surrounding her birthday. She loves hearing it and then pretends to blow candles out at the end of the song. Tonight when I was putting her to bed and was changing her clothes she was babbling away and then I heard what sounded like the birthday song. I listened closer and this is what I heard.

Hap MomMom to you
Hap dear MomMom, Hap to you...then she blew the candles out.

I was totally cracking up because it was so darn cute and I was thrilled at the amount of words she was putting together. This past week there has been huge gains made in her language.

Then she began to repeat the song but this time she sang

Hap Dad to you
Hap Nan to you - That is for my mom
Hap Pop to you - for my dad
Hap Jus to you - for Justin
Hap Dog to you - For our Chihuahua Gabby

Now I was rolling with laughter; man oh man; having a two year old is wonderful. I can't wait to have two of them. Now you know I am CRAZY..hehehe!!

Monday, June 04, 2007

Lucky Number 7

This is the number of years that Marc and I have been married. On June 4, 2000 we were officially united in matrimony. It has been the best seven years of my life. Life with Marc is all about love, partnership and laughter. We totally speak the same language. There is no one else in the universe that I can imagine would be a better match for me than him. Having a daughter has brought a new dimension to our marriage. It amazes me daily to see Marc be a father to the amazing Katie Starr. I always knew that he would make a wonderful father as he was so awesome with Justin. Like everyone else we have our moments but they are few and far between. I am a passionate and intense person and Marc is a perfect complement to my personality as he is as steady as they come. He doesn't let much upset him and he keeps me grounded. I on the other hand give him a run for his money.

I predict that the next seven years will be even better than the first as we have so much to look forward to. Happy Anniversary Hubs!! Love, Your Starr