This week has been a good one for our family. Justin is back in the thick of things in law school and enjoying it. Katie is loving "big girl school" and we are having lots of fun and great one on one time with Ethan. Ethan has four therapy sessions a week and we are beginning to see the fruits of that labor. He is getting stronger, eating more and starting to talk a little bit. We have even had some success in the beginning stages of potty training with him. Of course, Katie tells us that she is "too little" to go on the potty. Somehow even though she knows that Ethan is younger and he is going on the potty somehow, some way, she is still too little (grin).
We are getting into a good groove with the dynamic duo. Sometimes it is stressful when one of us takes them somewhere that they would prefer not being, like the doctors office. Yesterday, Marc took Katie for a follow up on her ear infection from last month and had to wait quite a long time for the doctor to get to him. When I called him an hour after the appointment, fully expecting him to tell me that he was done and that all was fine, I heard the sound of a VERY stressed daddy who informed me that if one of the children needs to go to the doctor we need to schedule it so that the other parent is with the other child!! Evidently, the two 2 year olds were a little out of control and Marc was having a Calgon moment. At the end of the appointment he was talking to the Doctor about a fundraiser that our FCC Group is doing (she treats many of our members) and would she like to be a sponsor? As they were discussing the details the kiddos were discussing a quick get away. When Marc looked down they had made there way out to the waiting room and if left to their own devises probably would have driven home. It sure would have been nice if they had paid before they left..LOL.
Finally, I will leave you with a funny anecdote from yesterday and a few pictures from the last couple of days.
Yesterday, Marc took Ethan to a music class and on my way home from work we met up on his way to the class and I took Katie home. We were having a lovely time together (just us girls:) and as the time approached for Marc to get home I preheated the oven for dinner. When the signal went off that the oven was preheated Katie yelled out "I'll get it!!" I asked her what she was going to get and she yelled out "the telephone!"
Do you think that means that my oven does not get used very often? Do you think she got any spaghetti in her mouth?
Katie dropped water from her cup all over her shirt so I took it off and she started running around the patio like a crazy woman!
Friday, January 11, 2008
Friday Ramblings
Have a wonderful weekend :)
Ethan likes to not only put his shoes on but also Katie's as well.
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Such cute kids.
Great stories. It sounds like amist the chaos, you're all having lots of fun! Hooray for 2 year olds!
Marc may be my new hero! He took both kids to the peds? At one time? Together? Maybe I can get him to take Erin for her next appointment. I hate sitting around in doctors' offices.
While I have no Calgon to offer Marc, I do know someone who sells the most awesome candles. I burn them while taking a nice hot, relaxing bath. My personal favorites are creme brulee & buttercream.
The pics are just wonderful! Katie Starr & Ethan are just blossoming!
Your life kinda sounds like my life right about now! lol
Have a great weekend!
At least you didn't set off the smoke alarm.....that's my trick.
I nominated you this morning.
Ah, you have a stove and know how to use it? Like, when do you have the time? ;op
Marc is doing just great, we only have one and the same thing happens!
And the pictures are adorable, Katie and Ethan are getting so big! Enjoy these moments, they go by too fast.
Hugs from the Canadian bunch!
I have been following your journey since you posted on "the story of you with your lovely Katie Star". I love your blog and seeing how your children are growing. It keeps me going with my wait now reaching close to 2 years. You have 2 cuties there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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