On Saturday, I had the family over with a couple of close family freinds so that we could celebrate my sis spending the weekend with us :) It was a wonderful time, although our mischeif man was very out of sorts. He woke up with a cold and nothing made him happy...poor guy! Actaully, Marc was not feeling that much better than Ethan. The party must go on and so we muddled through and enjoyed ourselves. I did not take too many pics but here is what I have...enjoy!
It was so awesome to see Jane. She had to leave bright and early on Sunday morning and we had to take the DD to a birthday party at 9:00 am..that is a horrid hour to call for a party.
Here are two videos. The one of Katie shows her tenacity. She would not give up trying to get up the slide. She was having a hard time as she had sweats on and socks that kept making her slide down. Finally, I walked over and gave her little tush a boost :) The other video is Marc and Ethan sliding.
Great pictures! Hope everyone is feeling better soon.
Looks like everyone had a great time partying this weekend! The pics are great!
That is one adorable bunch of pictures...gotta love it.
Great pics...and great fun, I hope Mr. Ethan is feeling better.
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