Yes, we are Jewish but we have always gotten together as a family and also given gifts on Christmas as well. My dad grew up celebrating Christmas because his father was Catholic and we always did as children too. It is also a little known fact that many Jews (not you Tammie ;) have Santa envy and so they do the Santa and present thing on Christmas. When I was married to Justin's dad, who is Catholic, the tradition of Christmas continued. During my marriage to him we also celebrated Noche Buena (the Spanish tradition of Christmas Eve).
Old habits die hard and even though Marc and I are both Jewish and are raising our children that way we still honor those old traditions which I really enjoy. It has worked out really well this year since Christmas falls smack dab in the middle of Hanukkah, thus this year we celebrate the blended holiday of Chrismakkah. We don't do the Santa thing but we let the DD open their Hanukkah gifts on Christmas morning and we have our annual family dinner (Italian of course). Here are photos from all two of the three's photos were few in number and the one's that I got were horrible.
Old habits die hard and even though Marc and I are both Jewish and are raising our children that way we still honor those old traditions which I really enjoy. It has worked out really well this year since Christmas falls smack dab in the middle of Hanukkah, thus this year we celebrate the blended holiday of Chrismakkah. We don't do the Santa thing but we let the DD open their Hanukkah gifts on Christmas morning and we have our annual family dinner (Italian of course). Here are photos from all two of the three's photos were few in number and the one's that I got were horrible.
The first few are if the DD lighting the menorah and us reciting the prayer. Then they opened their gifts (Boys and a Girls set of Leggos....waaaay too many pieces..OY!
All of the new toys and Katie is playing with her Dollar Store Foam Puzzle (Isn't that always the way?)
It looks like you all are having a wonderful holiday season! Funny about Santa envy, a lot of us think it would be so cool to get gifts for 8 days straight!
Family traditions are such an important part of who we are. I love that you have continued the tradition of having a Christmas celebration for the DD. While I never had Santa Envy (& I'd like to know just why I didn't.), I always adored helping my BFF Kathi decorate hers & my parents driving us around to see all the Christmas lights. That's something David still does for me.
Katie Starr & Ethan are having a wonderful holiday this year. I love that the children start to really "get" the holidays at this age.
Merry Chrismakah!!!
I love watching kids open gifts, their reactions are so priceless.
And don't get me started or I will have to borrow Tammie's eight days of Hanukah tissues!
So sorry to hear that Marc's dad is back in the hospital. I hope he's doing okay.
I love how Ethan always has his arm around Katie. The DD are just too cute.
I absolutely love how you are combining both Christmas and Hanukkah(with Chrismakah), what a great tradition for your family. The pics are the best!
Your FIL is in my thoughts.
your SFAM :)
I love all of the pictures! (We have that "Gallop" book, and it's a favorite!) It looks like you have really enjoyed Hanukkah!
Have a very happy New Year! Your FIL is also in my thoughts.
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