A couple of posts ago I mentioned that Tamara and her mom, Penny from "Notes from the Zookeeper" and Donna of "Double Happiness" fame invited me up to Disney World for a Blogger Bash of sorts. Marc and I initially hemmed and hawed when we were first invited as we were just up that way not too long ago and with finances the way that they are we did not think it too sensible. Well, common sense was thrown to the wind once again (smirk) and we were off to the town that Walt built. When given the opportunity to meet with these wonderful women in addition to others that i have spoken to for years either through our blogs or Yahoo adoption support groups there is no room for anything but spontaneity.
Saturday morning Bright and early we met up with Donna, a wonderful friend from my Mei Dreams yahoo group and her adorable Catherine for breakfast... Here is Miss Catherine.
We were then off to meet the bulk of the bloggers in front of Cinderella's castle. We arrived to find Tamara and co. including her Moose, Goose and Ogre (blog pseudonyms for her three wonderful children) and before along Donna arrived with her brood. Then came a blur of names and faces that by the end of the day came clearly into focus. Tamara and I are old friends, actually more than old friends...more like extended family. We waited for our daughter's with each other along with many others in the May 2005 DTC group, but unlike many in that group we have built a wonderful friendship between ourselves and our families. We have seen each other on several occasions and we keep up with each other regularly though our blogs and e-mails. I even e-mail with her wonderful mom Penny. Another big draw for me coming was to meet Donna T. She and I have followed each others blogs for a very long time and we both have sets of virtual twins in addition to each of us having a grown adult son. Donna was more wonderful in person than I could have ever hoped for and her husband, Andrew and daughters, Gwen and Madeline were awesome as well. The girls were even cuter than their pictures show and believe me that says a great deal as their Shutterbug Mom takes amazing photos. We talked, the kiddos broke the ice and then we watched the show at the castle for a bit before we all set off to divide and conquer at the park.
The highlight of the alone time with our own kiddos came during our foray into toon town. My friend Shannon told me to head there for a Princess meet and greet for Katie Starr. OMG, it was so totally worth the price of the admission (and that is one hefty price)!! The Princesses met with both kiddos and they gave them lots of one on one. I am not sure who was more enamored, the kiddos, the Princesses or us! Ethan was like a puppy dog (he loves beautiful women of any age) and Katie who is normally pretty shy was quite talkative. The princesses were in stitches from the two of them. We got a little video but there was so much more that was not on tape. Aurora even stayed to talk to them during a short break that she had because she could not seem to get enough of their cuteness....we were so happy about the whole experience. I have been in Disney more times than I can even remember over the past almost 35 + (OMG!!!) years and I have NEVER had as magical experience as that one. Check out this video...
We had an appointed meet up time later in the afternoon. Tamara and Penny had found a restaurant that was closed at that time and we were able to invade the space with our group. Another family joined us as well. Don, Be and Joanna Mei came to the meeting spot for this second round of fun. For the next three hours the adult gabbed it up while the kids had a blast running and playing from pillar to post.They even enlisted a slightly older Chinese child who was there with her Chinese family (she was dressed as a Princess) to play with them....so sweet! Ethan was a bit out of sorts at this point as he had fallen asleep in the stroller and when he awoke to find a band of crazy little girls running around he seemed to fly the white flag and hung back to chill with the adults. He actually seems to be fighting off a cold so he honestly was not at his best. Here are a few pics of all the kids blowing off a little steam...

L-R Carol, Beth, Donna T, Lori, Tamara, Martha with sweet Hannah and Penny
Hope Ethan is feeling better.
And the pictures are priceless for those of us that could not be there!
What a ladies man that boy of yours is turning out to be, hee hee!
What a magical time I had with all you gals!! The kids certainly enjoyed each other and shined more brightly than all those old regular princesses - and princes. I know Ethan was completely out numbered but someday (way to soon) he won't consider that such a disadvantage. You and your family are such a treasure to us and it was great to meet so many old friends and to put some faces to new ones. Ain't life grand????
It definitely looks like such a great time! I can't wait to take Chianna to see the princesses! They spent so much time and were really great with the DD! And "Smitten Ethan" is just the funniest thing! I love the pic of Katie & Ethan with Aurora, that is just my all time favorite, it captures so much more than an just an image, its a classic!
Soon enough we will all go together!
What a pleasure to meet your tribe. 3 hours flew by! We have added you to our Bloglines to inform us of updates.
Ethan - hope you're feeling better, buddy.
What a wonderful visit! This was definitely a very special trip!
I'm going to show Erin the video later. Maybe it will inspire her to want to go & meet the princesses now that Katie Starr & Ethan have met them.
WOW!!! What a fantastic time you had. I love how Ethan autographed the book himself. Too cute. The pictures are great!
what a fun time.
Wowwie Kazowie, now this is what I call a post....and so worth the wait!
Looks like you guys had a blast. We're going again at the end of march, so this is a nice "fix" to tide me over! I agree, probably not the best financial decision I've ever made...but screw it...ITS DISNEY!
I am so sorry that I could not join you - my dad went back into the hospital at the last moment...and did not get out until Thursday..sucks with timing...But will plan on next round!!!
Carol and K in FL
oh my goodness these pictures are beautiful!!! I love to see get togethers like this...I must admit I have tears...I'm a bit emotional these days and Ethan sent me over the top with that dance..he is just adorable!!!!
One day I'm going to get to Disney World. I'm only 90 minutes from Disneyland and have season passes, but have yet to make it to Disney World.
I want to put my Chat To Text button on my blog like you did, can you tell me how to do it?
Hi Lori,
Please come by my blog and pick up your Lovey Blog Award! = )
I love the Outfit Katie has on...that looks great on her....is that one from Chinese New Year auction....
Looks like you all had fun
I love all of those pictures! It looks like you had such a fun time, although with the DD involved, that's not hard to imagine at all. They are both so cute!!
LOVE the photos!! I'm sorry we missed out on all of the fun. The kiddos are growing up so fast.
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