Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Doing the "Golden Ticket" Happy Dance Tonight!!

I called my friend Shannon to wish her a Happy Birthday and as we spoke she told me that today was a lucky number day for her as she and Mia were both born on the 18th. She felt strongly that our I-171h would be here today!! As I drove down my street I saw Marc at the mailbox pulling out the mail and he busted out with the thumbs up!! Whoooohooooo, on day 75 we received our GOLDEN TICKET to Ethan.
It may take us a little longer than most to go DTC as our agency in Hawaii is very small. They handle the certifying in Hawaii and authenticating out of LA. They will not expedite a thing and estimate approx a month to 6 weeks before DTC. Oh well, at least this battle was won today. I will relish this victory today and then go back to driving myself crazy about what is out of our control tomorrow..LOL.

Waiting while holding a picture of your son for approx 10 months will definitely be the hardest thing I have ever done.

On another note; here are Katie Starr's two year old portraits. They make me melt every time I look at them. It is a good thing too because she has been a whiny mess while she has been ill. We do not know where 2 year old whiny begins and sick whiny ends...sheesh!
Please click on the pictures to make them bigger.


Anna said...

Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you - another step closer to Ethan!!!! FYI, love the Katie pictures - there is no way she is whiny, she is just too cute!!

Beckyb said...

I am thrilled with you on the excitement of the Golden Ticket!!! Now let's pray that the DTC and LID come quickly!!

Tammie said...

I love Katie Starr's 2 year pics! She is just so adorable.

I'm just thrilled to pieces that you finally got that highly anticipated I171H form. Shannon sure had the good vibes going today!

Anonymous said...

Cute pix! Don't order the middle photo because SHE ISN'T WEARING A BOW IN IT!!! OMGosh...have I taught you NOTHING?! Gesh.

Seriously, very cute! She is a sweetie for sure!

Julie said...

Those pictures are just darling, of course she's a great subject to photograph!!

dawn said...

I knew I should have checked your blog before emailing you. Note to self....follow your instincts!

WooHoo congratulations.

OMG the photos are delish!

kira said...

Cute as can be! She is growing into such a beautiful girl. Love the hair.

Nikki said...

Great news about Ethan. Although, I do have to say I'm sorry you have to wait so long with his sweet picture, I can't even imagine the pain your heart must feel. I'll be praying that the time goes quickly for you.

Katie Starr's pictures are sooo sweet. Her dresses are adorable. I just bought that same pink dress for Lily!
You've got great taste! hee hee