Our girl has come a long way when it comes to so many things and this includes visits to the Doctor. We got our first taste of Katie's distaste for anyone in the medical field when we adopted her in China. She was very ill and we had to take her to the International Clinic in Guangzhou. She needed to have a thorough checkup and had to be cleared to fly home. This was after receiving two nebulizer treatments. It took our guide, two nurses and myself to hold our 13 month old, 17 lb. Katie Starr down for her examination and treatment. We were all perspiring profusely after that feat. Our baby seemed to have super human strength when she was determined or afraid or both!
When we first arrived home and had to go to the doctor and then have blood work it was more of the same. We dreaded any medical visits with our sweet girl who turned into the incredible hulk at the sight of someone with medical training.
Things did gradually improve and today at her third year check up she was absolutely awesome!
I was so proud of her. We had discussed it before hand and one thing that I think has helped is that we are always honest with her as to what she should expect whether it be nothing painful all the way up to this may hurt. Today was an easy visit other than the fact that they had to remove impacted ear wax from her ears. Her pediatrician is Chinese and tells us that Chinese people have huge issues with building up ear wax and Miss Starr is no exception. I told her that this would be a little uncomfortable and she said OK and handled it without a whimper and even joked with the doctor who was telling her that Goofy must have left something in her ear and wait till she saw it...yuck!! Katie loved that..LOL
Katie's pediatrician is awesome. She is well known in this area as having many internationally adopted kiddos in her practice and her bedside manner is amazing. She actually spent about one half hour with us as I had some questions for her and she had many questions about Katie and her progress.
Katie is now 28 lbs and 36.75 inches so she is 25% percentile for weight (I should be so lucky) and 50% percentile for height so the doctor felt that she would be around 5' 5" to 5' 6" when she reaches adulthood. The doctor was thrilled with her development both physically as well as in all other areas. She was flabbergasted at her language skills as well as reasoning abilities. She actually said to us that she is advanced in all areas and that she was so happy to see how well she is doing. The doctor cracked up after she asked Katie what her first name was and Katie started rattling off her four given names as well as her brother's 4 given names as well as the rest of her families names. Then she asked me about her imagination as Katie was looking through a Dr. Seuss book that I had brought to keep her occupied. All of the sudden Katie started turning the pages of the book and making up the story based on the pictures. The Dr. and I were tickled pink.
It totally gratifies my heart that this child has come so far in her trust and her overall development. I find it so amazing that our internationally adopted children lose their mother language (in Katie's case at 13 months) and then somehow by three years of age is already ahead of the game.
I have some more pics from her party to post as well as some others taken in the last couple of days.
When we first arrived home and had to go to the doctor and then have blood work it was more of the same. We dreaded any medical visits with our sweet girl who turned into the incredible hulk at the sight of someone with medical training.
Things did gradually improve and today at her third year check up she was absolutely awesome!
I was so proud of her. We had discussed it before hand and one thing that I think has helped is that we are always honest with her as to what she should expect whether it be nothing painful all the way up to this may hurt. Today was an easy visit other than the fact that they had to remove impacted ear wax from her ears. Her pediatrician is Chinese and tells us that Chinese people have huge issues with building up ear wax and Miss Starr is no exception. I told her that this would be a little uncomfortable and she said OK and handled it without a whimper and even joked with the doctor who was telling her that Goofy must have left something in her ear and wait till she saw it...yuck!! Katie loved that..LOL
Katie's pediatrician is awesome. She is well known in this area as having many internationally adopted kiddos in her practice and her bedside manner is amazing. She actually spent about one half hour with us as I had some questions for her and she had many questions about Katie and her progress.
Katie is now 28 lbs and 36.75 inches so she is 25% percentile for weight (I should be so lucky) and 50% percentile for height so the doctor felt that she would be around 5' 5" to 5' 6" when she reaches adulthood. The doctor was thrilled with her development both physically as well as in all other areas. She was flabbergasted at her language skills as well as reasoning abilities. She actually said to us that she is advanced in all areas and that she was so happy to see how well she is doing. The doctor cracked up after she asked Katie what her first name was and Katie started rattling off her four given names as well as her brother's 4 given names as well as the rest of her families names. Then she asked me about her imagination as Katie was looking through a Dr. Seuss book that I had brought to keep her occupied. All of the sudden Katie started turning the pages of the book and making up the story based on the pictures. The Dr. and I were tickled pink.
It totally gratifies my heart that this child has come so far in her trust and her overall development. I find it so amazing that our internationally adopted children lose their mother language (in Katie's case at 13 months) and then somehow by three years of age is already ahead of the game.
I have some more pics from her party to post as well as some others taken in the last couple of days.
The Dynamic Duo during the relay race at the birthday party

This is fun!!

Kim and Lori having waaay too much fun

Do you think they want to get in the bath?
our bathing beauty
Happy girl
mmmmm...this milkshake is good!
Ethan gives a new meaning to a "MILK MUSTACHE"!! Adorable pictures and the party looks like it was a TON of fun!
Our Chinese pediatrician said the same about the ear wax.
Cute pics. Katie's hair looks brown in some of the pics. neat. Great report on her. Took Glenys about 3 years not to cry to see her doc too.
Love the milkshake mustache. anything that messy has to be good!!
Love the Ethan piccies.
Of course Katie Starr is smart.....look who she has for a Mother. DOY!
I'd never heard about the ear wax thing but that explains it. Gianna produces tons of wax too.
In another note, you had asked not too long ago via email how Gianna was doing. I just updated her blog today with the details of our current battle. I should probably post of the Yahoo grp. as well. I don't know if there are other families out there in the same boat.
Katie and Ethan look great. That party was definitely a blast.
And you said that boy would not eat...yeah right!
Katie is a STAR, and has a wonderful example to learn from. She is amazing, as are all our kids.
By the way, Kerri always has had problems with hard ear wax. I guess I need to take her to the doc for an update. Thanks for the reminder!
Yay Katie Starr! Great job on the medical with Dr. L! Of course, we all know how bright & loving & special you are sweetie. With your family, nothing else could be expected!
Love those pics Ethan! Keep drinking those milkshakes!
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