Mickey and Minnie Mouse played by Ethan and Katie Starr
Pretty Minnie
Our hosts beautiful niece, DeeDee
Ariel played by Mimi
OK, now this is getting a bit weird (Marc the cow feeding his bff, Al)
Ethan and his special pal Erin, oops I mean Dorothy
Marc the cow holding his sweet Minnie
Adorable Ryan as Indiana Jones
You have to have candy corn at a Halloween party; right mom?
Thanks for the goodie bag!!
On Sunday we woke up and drove down to the beach for some more fun in the sun. Katie Starr and Ethan built sand castles while Mommy and Daddy admired their handiwork. Then we swam and just enjoyed the water. Well, I should say that most of us enjoyed the water as Ethan was less than thrilled that it was salt water and stung his eyes. He has VERY sensitive eyes. They are very large and have long eyelashes so I think that the water clung to the lashes and continued to drip into his eyes. We will definitely bring goggles the next time.
Afterwords we drove home, ate our lunch on the patio and jumped into the pool again. I am so backed up on my laundry from the past few days that I ran out of bathing suits and of course the only thing left to do was have them swim in their undies. Katie kept trying to take her underwear off and swim Au Natural...LOL
As the summer season winds down (we have one week till school starts) we are making the most of each moment with the dynamic duo.
Oh my!!! Talk about doing everything you can with your BFF. Those men are such pranksters always out for a good time. It really was a great afternoon. (BTW, Erin thought the candy corn was gumdrops. You should have seen her face when she came to me to complain!)
The beach was a great way to end the weekend. The DD have really turned into fish this summer.
Love the beach photos and the "mice"....gotta get busy on the girls Halloween outfits, they are gonna be witches, good or bad??? depends on their mood for the day. A little skinny dip is just perfect!! You go Katie Starr...
Penny Richardson
Sounds like you had a blast of a weekend. Love the pictures of the kids covered in the sand. I can see Ethan has no fear of the water.
Your husband makes me laugh..he is so darn FUNNY!!! Love the beach pictures:)
You guys are always having so much fun!!!!!! Enjoy the rest of your summer!!!
Thanks for the shout out and links to our site! And a big thanks for coming to our Halloween Video Party. The DD looked like a perfect little Minnie and Mickey! I love the swimming pics at the beach, they look like they are having a blast!
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