My sister pulled out all the stops as usual and basically offered up a feast fit for a royal family for our Thanksgiving meal. My sister loves to cook and she is amazing at it. The food was heavenly, definitely the best Thanksgiving meal that I have ever eaten and Marc felt the same way. The DD ate well and for Ethan that says alot. We finished the meal with some home made pumpkin pie courtesy of my BIL's Mom who actually made it from real pumpkin and not the canned variety. My sister also made two types of fresh baked cookies with ice cream for dessert. The kiddos had a ball.
We then sat back and relaxed for the next couple of hours. The DD played Don't Break the Ice" with cousin Sam and I...once they got the hang of it they couldn't get enough of playing. Sam and I enjoyed playing as well and he "one upped" me in our series of games. We ended the evening with a rousing game of imaginary monsters (Steve and Sam) chasing the kids...thanks I don't have enough sleep issues with Miss Starr...OY!
a little horsing around
everyone getting in on the coloring action with Miss Starr
My handsome nephew Sam with my sis
Katie loves her cousin
Ethan is pretty crazy about him too.
Here is a fun video of Katie getting some tummy rasberry's from her Aunty Jane
The final day was spent at one of the Smithsonian Air and Space Museums. We all enjoyed our look at all types of aircraft back from the WW1 right through to the space program including a Space Shuttle that was in it's own hangar area...very cool!Marc is so strong he was able to lift up the Space Shuttle *SNORT*
These two had to get in the act!
After that field trip we were going to go have lunch with the family before leaving but we ran outta time as we had to vacate the hotel room by 2:30 and we had not packed yet. We said our goodbyes to sis and family as well as my folks and we bid a hasty retreat to get everything done and get to the airport.
By the time we got home it was almost 10PM and everyone was beat. Katie's usual good humor was gone when she found that her beloved Gabby (Our Chihuahua) was not here but was with Grandma...that made her very upset!! Then when we went to put the DD to bed, she put up a huge fight as those "Monsters" were rearing their ugly heads again. She had gotten very used to sleeping in the same room as us for the past week and did not want to sleep in her room. I sat with her and talked to her for quite awhile until she calmed down and fell asleep.
When we awoke this morning we had two VERY happy children who seemed thrilled to be back in their surroundings. Who could blame them, I am happy to be back in mine as well.
It is wonderful to go away but even better to be home sweet home again.
Welcome Home! You sure had a fun filled week. Glad you are home safe and sound. I think you need another vacation from your vacation.
Glad to see that you guys are home & settling in. You all had quite the week between the traveling, the good food & the family time. Somehow I tend to agree that being away is nice for a while, but there's no place like home.
Great photos! I always wish I could bring my bed and pillows with me on vacation!
GI am thrilled you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family. Welcome back home!
The pictures are wonderful! Happy to hear that you made it home safely! I know that as much as I love a great trip- I love my bed more!!!!!
Looks like everyone had a great time.
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