Today has been 10 years since I became my beloved's and he became mine. What a wild ride it has been. For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health. We have been through all of these and everything in between. I am proud to say that we have withstood it all and always together. I am so thankful for this man that I get to share my life with; he is the perfect fit for me. We are Yin and Yang in the truest sense.
Who would have thought that we would add to our family of three and make it a family of five. Not me! In fact, when one of our wedding guests wished us the addition of children during our wedding video, we laughed ourselves silly while watching it. Pretty funny huh!?!
I would do it all again and the only regret that I have is that I did not meet Marc much sooner in my life. Thankfully, I have him now and I am so grateful for that fact. He is such a giving husband and father. He always has my back. He pretty much thinks the sun rises and falls on me and that makes me feel quite cherished. He is a hard worker and never complains. He is sweet, smart and funny. He is almost as funny as me! That is the running joke in our house...who is the funniest. Actually, I think it may be Katie but Marc comes in at a close second. He makes me laugh a huge amount and that is so big in this life. I think I can summarize the way that I feel about Marc in one sentence.
I totally love being alone with him!
I still love it just as much as when we first started dating....just me and him. Actually, just thinking about being alone with him brings a smile to my face. We don't get that luxury very often these days but when we do...I cherish it.
Happy 10th anniversary honey. I love you with all of my heart and soul! I am so looking forward to the celebration of our special day and spending it alone with YOU! Here is to the next 10 years and spending a lifetime of love and laughter together.

Such a beautiful couple - then and now! Happy anniversary and many many more!
Our Blog: Double Happiness!
Lori what beautiful pictures!!!! Happy Anniversary!!!
What a beautiful couple! Congratulations and to many, many more years of love and happiness!
I am the luckiest guy in the world to have such as beautiful, caring, passionate person such as you to call my wife. My fortunes are many with you as the centerpeice. I to look forward to the next many years together... and I am the FUNNIEST!
Awwww that is the sweetest :) Happy Anniversary to you both!
You are a beautiful couple! Congratulations on your anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!
Lori and Marc,
I just saw this post, and I got goose bumps reading it! :o) I had never seen the pix of your wedding!! You two look beautiful and soooo happy!! :o) Love it! :o)) May you have many more decades of love, happiness, and laughter! :O) You're the funniest couple I know! :o)) Just perfect together, like rice and beans! :o))
Happy Anniversary!! :O)
Congratulations on Ten Years and here's to MANY more.
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