Thursday, July 10, 2008

Please let him act like this when he is 16!

Like most toddlers, Ethan and Katie both like to help. Of course, their help can make the task take twice as long but I do my best to encourage their behavior. Ethan is one that especially likes to help. He begs to assist in any way possible and with any task that we are undertaking.

This morning, as I was putting away the folded laundry before work, he ran towards me while shouting "Help me!" I am the official translator for Mr. E and even though he is saying "help me" he really means that he want to help us. I tell him to follow me into the his and Katie's room and then instruct him to put away his clothes while I put away Katie Starr's. This child knows where everything belongs, both in his drawers and closet as well as where Katie's clothing goes. He has amazing attention to detail.

As he finished his task, he shuts the closet door, turns to me and tells me the following....

"Thank you Mama."

How sweet is that?!? He thanks me for helping me. Please, oh please let this attitude stick through the teenage years :)

Our boy really touches my heart.


Vivian M said...

Awww!!! Kerri loves to help. We let her set the table, help us cook (very limited), and help around the house. However, she refuses to pick up her toys. She will vacuum and dust though!

Brownie Troop 157 said...

What a sweetheart!

kira said...

they take after you guys... they're picking up on what they see at home and since you're both hard-working people, they're immitating you. just keep on encouraging the behavior!

RamblingMother said...

AWWWW!! He is the sweetest!!

Unknown said...

That is so sweet! I hope it goes through to the teenage years as well!
Hope you have a great time both Saturday night (congrats on the engagement) and at Ethan's birthday party!

Tammie said...

Children live what they learn. Your children see 2 loving, caring parents who help each other every day.

BTW, can I borrow Ethan? Perhaps he can remind Erin that helping is a good thing.

Candy said...

Rachel is a real helper in the house too. I also hope that she will continue to do so many of the things that she likes to do now, later in life. It's so hard getting them to understand when to use me, you and I. Very confusing. Ethan, keep up the great work.