Friday, November 04, 2011

I always say that raising children is not for the faint of heart

....and it is not!
Tonight was one of the most terrifying nights of my life.  Katie and her team were in the Cheer-Off and tonight was their finale performance; one that they had prepared for for several weeks.  While the girls were waiting to go on for their performance, they were all doing cartwheels and handstands. Katie did a handstand that had too much force and she went over and hit her head and back hard on the ground and at the same time! She knocked the wind out of herself and she was also knocked unconscious for a few moments. I ran around the fence to get to her and the wonderful dad's on our team sprang into action over the fence to also get to her. By mere happenstance they both have paramedic training.  They also thought she may have had a seizure so 911 was immediately called and the paramedics came.  She was ultimately cleared and my brave girl chose to cheer in her final competition!  They ended up with the trophy for the best performance and I ended up with another 100 gray hairs!  Marc was working so he missed the whole horrible ordeal....UGH!!!
Poor Ethan was devastated as he watched all of this go down.  When we got back from the ambulance he was sobbing.  He and his sister are so devoted to each other.  He was besides himself.  After I calmed him down and both children were not looking I just sobbed in my parents arms. 
I am so grateful that they were there for me as well as all of the families of the girls that Katie cheers with.  They are so wonderful and they sprang into action for Katie like she was one of their children.  They were amazing!
So today, on this 4th day of Thanksgiving I am thankful that Katie is OK after such an awful accident!
The girls did just great.  Here is a video of their performance.  I was kneeling in a very awkward location, just trying to squeeze in to get my video.  It is a bit shaky and then I went pretty far to the right at the end, but this film will still give you a taste of their performance!
Thank G-d things worked out OK.  Hug your children a little closer tonight.  Life can change in the blink of an eye!
Note:  Katie is the second little girl from the right.


dawn said...

Hugs to you Mummy. Darn these kids of ours can scare the pants right off of us. So glad she is fine.

Vivian M said...

What Dawn said. She is a brave little girl to go through that scare and then perform like nothing happened. Awesome job Katie!