We had absolutely, positively nothing planned tonight....
Friday, November 18, 2011
We had absolutely, positively nothing planned tonight....
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Sister Love!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Soccer Season
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
The Katie Starr Team
What a great event. We are so proud of what we were able to accomplish with the help of the best family and friends in the world! The Katie Starr Team will top $10,000.00 when the tally is done. I just sent the Foundation Fighting Blindness a new batch of checks that were given to me. We have until June to finalize this fiscal year so we will continue to add to our total so that the research for the treatments and a possible cure for Hereditary Retinal Blindness can go on! We will not stop until that happens!
Monday, November 14, 2011
I am really tired tonight...really too tired to post much but since I have made a commitment...well, here I go!
Ethan came through his dental procedure with flying colors. Of course her did...that is just the way our precious boy rolls. It did not even matter that the procedure ended with an unexpected root canal and crown. He took it like a champ and not even one complaint.
Like I posted about yesterday, food was on his mind from the moment that he woke up.
Marc took care of that with a big thick chocolate shake.
That made our patient one very content patient.
He was even more content when his sister came home from school and he could tell her all of the stories of the past few days. I so love the Dynamic Duo.
Goodnight all!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
The hurt runs deep
Saturday, November 12, 2011
What a beautiful day!
Today was the day that we had been anticipating for quite some time. I fund raise for the Foundation Fighting Blindness all year round but the Vision Walk is a marker from year to year of how far we have to go.
We awoke to a truly brilliant day. The weather was sunny and the temperature was a bit chilly when we woke up but warmed up in no time and made it just about perfect. We quickly prepared the children and gathered our supplies, made a food run and high tailed it to the park. Once there, Marc set up a table with all of the T-Shirts for The Katie Starr Team and we began to greet our team members. Family and friends started drifting in and before we knew it we were overwhelmed once again by the number of people who came to support our mission. We gave out 85 T-Shirts to our team members!!
It was then time to get up on stage and thank everyone for coming as well as all of the sponsors. I spoke a little about why I have thrown my support behind the FFB and then we had a pep rally of sorts. We ended the formalities and quickly took pictures. My dear friend Grace was the official Vision Walk Photographer and she was just amazing. I cannot wait to see all of the wonderful shots that she took!!
The corporate people took me up to the front so that our family could cut the ribbon and begin the walk....and then we were off!!
Katie Starr, Ethan and their friends took the lead on their razor scooters and the rest of us happily took up the rear by foot.
As I walked, I jockeyed between several groups of people. It was so nice to be able to talk to so many who came out as we followed the path. I was so touched by the people who happily walked to help the cause and our precious girl. I even got some fun walk time in with my big guy Justin and my daughter in law Judy. It was wonderful!
Once we were done and our thank you's were spoken, several of us stayed around and picnicked in the park.
There were other happy surprises as well today. Marc's cousins from New Jersey were in town and they came with a dear mutual friend and walked with us; which was totally unexpected. Also, our dear friends, Ken and JoAnn from Chicago were also in town and totally shocked us by coming and walking with us.
Of course, the real reason that we do this is to raise awareness and money. The Katie Starr Team was the #1 Team in South Florida and when the final count is done next week we should top $10,000.00!! I am so thankful for all that came out in support of us again this year. We were missing some friends from last year as this seemed to be a busy weekend for many but we know that many of those friends will be out again, walking by our side, if they are able to next year.
Raising funds for research is a year round business and although this one day has passed, our mission has not. The fiscal year does not end until June of 2012 for this walk season, so my work is not complete.
The link is available and I will post it from time to time.
There is no way I will rest until they can find the answers and develop treatments or even a cure for hereditary blindness. Our daughter's sight and ten million other's depend on that!
P.S. I hope to have some pictures posted very soon!
Friday, November 11, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Last minute info about the walk
www.fightblindness.org/goto/katie.starr and by spreading the word. Thank you so much!
Date: Saturday, November 12, 2011
Location: Hugh Taylor Birch State Park
3109 East Sunrise Boulevard
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304
Registration: 9:00 am
Walk Start: 10:00 a.m.
Walk Chairs: Lori and Marc Weinstock
Support our team and help bring us closer to a cure because a Cure is in Sight!
Wednesday, November 09, 2011
Why should I get involved?
That last one is the real kicker. Macular Degeneration is a blinding eye disease that will show up in many of your families as they age. No family is exempt from these horrible diseases. It just so happens that it has touched our young daughter now and yes, while that is tragic - it is also tragic to lose sight at any age. We are truly all fighting the same battle.
“I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.” ~Helen Keller
Tuesday, November 08, 2011
Another Installment of: Out of the Mouths of Babes!
All I gotta say is Wow dude...that Katie Starr is too much!
Monday, November 07, 2011
I am shameless when it comes to something this important!
Sunday, November 06, 2011
Still Waters Run Deep
While cleaning Katie's desk of her hundreds of masterpieces, in order to make way for all of the masterpieces to come, this is one of the more interesting pieces that I found.
I did not know whether to laugh or cry. My little girl seems to be a bit fascinated with the Bieber! I am still digesting this newest find and contemplating the future. Can't we just freeze time and keep my baby innocent forever? I already know the answer to that but I still hear that refrain in my head over and over when stuff like this pops up. The crazy thing is that I really shelter the kids quite a bit to preserve their innocence and they have no older siblings in the home to influence them. I cannot even imagine what would be if I wasn't the way that I am....perish the thought!
P.S. Katie just walked in on me and saw this post with the pic and could not figure out why it was on the computer screen. She looked at me and through her laughter said..."and how did you get that on there you sneaky mommy!?!"
Oh man, this girl is gonna give us a run for our money!
Saturday, November 05, 2011
To Do List
1) Complete my blog a day project for the Month of November...even if it kills me!
What's on your to do list this month?
Friday, November 04, 2011
I always say that raising children is not for the faint of heart
....and it is not!
Tonight was one of the most terrifying nights of my life. Katie and her team were in the Cheer-Off and tonight was their finale performance; one that they had prepared for for several weeks. While the girls were waiting to go on for their performance, they were all doing cartwheels and handstands. Katie did a handstand that had too much force and she went over and hit her head and back hard on the ground and at the same time! She knocked the wind out of herself and she was also knocked unconscious for a few moments. I ran around the fence to get to her and the wonderful dad's on our team sprang into action over the fence to also get to her. By mere happenstance they both have paramedic training. They also thought she may have had a seizure so 911 was immediately called and the paramedics came. She was ultimately cleared and my brave girl chose to cheer in her final competition! They ended up with the trophy for the best performance and I ended up with another 100 gray hairs! Marc was working so he missed the whole horrible ordeal....UGH!!!
Poor Ethan was devastated as he watched all of this go down. When we got back from the ambulance he was sobbing. He and his sister are so devoted to each other. He was besides himself. After I calmed him down and both children were not looking I just sobbed in my parents arms.
I am so grateful that they were there for me as well as all of the families of the girls that Katie cheers with. They are so wonderful and they sprang into action for Katie like she was one of their children. They were amazing!
So today, on this 4th day of Thanksgiving I am thankful that Katie is OK after such an awful accident!
The girls did just great. Here is a video of their performance. I was kneeling in a very awkward location, just trying to squeeze in to get my video. It is a bit shaky and then I went pretty far to the right at the end, but this film will still give you a taste of their performance!
Thank G-d things worked out OK. Hug your children a little closer tonight. Life can change in the blink of an eye!
Note: Katie is the second little girl from the right.
Thursday, November 03, 2011
Trying to Pull Rank
Me: "We are pretty much always here and if by chance we are not then we have someone taking care of you....and why should you be in charge anyway since you are the same age as Ethan?"
Katie: "Because I am over 2 months older and taller than Ethan!"
Me: "That does not make you in charge!"
Ethan: "See Katie....your not my boss!!"
Katie: Looking a little peeved and not convinced at all did not pursue the issue at hand....
Two days later.....
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
A W E S O M E ! !
A W E S O M E!
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Go Colts!! |
Tuesday, November 01, 2011
It is National Blog Posting Month!
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